
Showing posts from 2009


My story, "The Right to Eat Decent Food," has been accepted for publication in the DAW anthology, The Dragon and the Stars ! Yay! I set the story during the SARS quarantine in 2003. Follow this link to see pictures of my personal quarantine experience as well as some other experiences I had in China.

Random Pictures Taken in Beijing Province

I have posted an album of random pictures taken while I was in China. I had a lot more, but I don't know what happened to the rest. Very upsetting! Anyway, some of these relate to the SARS quarantine on the campus where I taught English to ninth graders from 2002-2003. Why am I posting this? It has something to do with my next story, "The Right to Eat Decent Food"!  

First Posting!

This is my first blog! A friend told me about how she set up a blog to post pictures of things that inspired her writing. The idea sounded cool, so I'm trying out something similar. Whenever I manage to publish something, I will post related links and pictures. For now I have the cover of the DAW anthology Ages of Wonder and its related links to the right because my short story, "Mist Wraith," is the third story in the book! Please let me know if you have any suggestions for improving this blog.